SVRF: Standard Verification Rule Format
SVDB: Standard Verification Dtabase (LVS results)
Completed layout is not necessarily “completely” complete. You may choose to verify a design when only part of it is complete. Calibre provides methods to verify partially completed layouts.
Layout ( GDSII)
Logic (Verilog)
Rule file (SVRF ASCII text file
DRC result (drc.out)
Report (drc.rep.extrpt)
Log (drc.log)
Rule file:
♦ Provides run specifications (data file names, etc.)
♦ Defines layers (Allow you to assign names to layers, making troubleshooting easier)
♦ Generates derived layers
♦ Defines design RuleChecks
♦ Defines devices
♦ Defines/extracts connectivity
♦ Drives Layout vs. Schematic comparisons
(using device recognition)
♦ Drives Parasitic Extraction (not covered in this class)
♦ Drives OPC/ORC (not covered in this class)
Rule file types:
Golden rule file (from factory)
Control rule file for site/run
User rule file for managing result
Calibre "merges" all rule files into a single file at run time
(the .rule file has many: INCLUDE xxxx.rule )
Typical DRC Rules