
Difference Between the route_zrt_eco and route_zrt_detail Commands

The route_zrt_eco command performs ECO routing. It first connects the open nets and then fixes the DRC violations. The options control which nets are connected and on which areas of the chip the DRC violations are fixed.

The route_zrt_detail command performs detail routing on a design. You run this command after running the route_zrt_track command. By default, the route_zrt_detail command analyzes the DRC violations in the entire design and then resolves those violations.

The key difference between the two commands is that you need to use the route_zrt_eco command whenever you modify one or more nets. Officially, the route_zrt_eco command is used to perform incremental routing when you change the design, such as by inserting cells, upsizing cells, or downsizing cells. To fix DRC violations, you should use the route_zrt_detail -incremental command rather than the route_zrt_eco command.

route_zrt_eco  通常是用在designer修改过电路之后,来perform incremental routing.

route_zrt_detail 通常用来修DRC violations;如 shorts, spacing, width, notch, gap, and end-of-line. 但如果是open net, 则要用route_zrt_eco   来修

